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Info & Rules!

Big Orange Bash 19 / 2025 -- Information and Rules


The next BOB show will be held on Saturday-Sunday June 7-8, 2025, in the brand new Agriculture & Natural Resources Building on the UT campus in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Its street address is 2431 Joe Johnson Drive.  The nearby intersection on Joe Johnson Drive has these GPS decimal degree coordinates:  N 35.94746,  W 83.93987.


Saturday:  OF Halter Divisions and CM Performance Divisions.

Sunday:  CM Halter Divisions and OF Performance Divisions.


The BOB website is at:   <>

Our show hostess is Carol Tuft.  Her email is:  ctuft (at)


BOB has received NAMHSA approval!  This means first and second place horses will earn NAN cards to qualify for the Nationals.


BOB is an open show:  anyone may apply, and with no age restrictions on any NAN-qualifying divisions.


Set up starts at 7:30 am EDT and judging starts at 8:30.


Helpful note for travelers from the Central time zone: remember to adjust your clocks one hour later as you drive east towards Knoxville!


It's a newly constructed show hall, so we suggest you dress in layers.  :-)


    ~ ~ Parking ~ ~


The University now charges visitors $10 every day for parking.  Our fundraising recipient, the Large Animal Clinic, is offering to purchase our parking tags.  However, for a 2-day BOB this will total about $1000.  Since this expense will be charged against their operating budget, we’ve courteously added the $10 fee on our Entry Forms to reimburse the Clinic through our donation.


We'll hand you a University parking tag when you unload your horses at the show hall.


See the parking map under the 'Directions' tab on the BOB website.


    ~ ~ Food ~ ~


Coffee, soft drinks, water, and snacks are available throughout the day.  Some gluten-free snacks are available.


The show pauses for a lunch break about noon.  There are numerous restaurants within a few miles.  If you need help ordering for delivery (forgot your cell phone, etc.) please ask us for assistance.  Thanks!


    ~ ~ Tables ~ ~


Each exhibitor gets an 8 foot table, or half of an 8 foot table, as requested.  See the table map under the 'Entrants' tab on the BOB website.


Yes, you may sell hobby-related items at your table.


    ~ ~ Rules of Behavior ~ ~


Please obey these rules.  Breaking a rule may result in being forced to leave without a refund!


     1.  Please do not distract the judges while they are judging.  Wait for gaps between classes to ask your questions.


     2.  The decisions of the judges are final.


     3.  Good sportsmanship and common courtesy is expected at all times.  Possible violations include, but are not limited to: arguing with the judges, complaining about the judges, using actions or words that tend to demean or embarrass any person, using rude or foul language not appropriate for a family event, etc.  Violators will be required to leave the hall without a refund.  Staff decision is final.


     4.  If you have a concern or issue about anyone's behavior at the show, or about the judging, please bring this to our attention so we can deal with it quickly and appropriately.  Do NOT try to resolve the issue yourself!


     5.  Please don't touch other exhibitors' horses without permission.  "If you break it, you buy it!"


     6.  Spectators and helpers are certainly welcome, as long as they abide by the rules.


     7.  Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian.  Loud, unruly, or disruptive children will be asked to leave.


     8.  No running or other activities that could cause damage.


     9.  No loud music, electronic games, toys, or other distractions.


   10.  Pets allowed only with show holder's prior approval.


   11.  Refunds and/or cancellations are at the discretion of the show holder.


    ~ ~ University Policy Rules ~ ~


   12.  No smoking or alcohol allowed anywhere on campus.  (This means there are no designated smoking areas within a half mile of BOB.)


   13.  The show holders, judges, and/or The University of Tennessee are not responsible for injury, breakage, damage, theft, or loss of any of your belongings.


   14.  No weapons allowed on University property.


   15.  No illegal substances or activities allowed on University property.


   16.  No threats of any kind to any person or property on University property will be tolerated.


   17.  Please note - the University charges fees for bounced checks.


    ~ ~ Results ~ ~


All Halter divisions, except for the Fantasy / Decorator / Medallions / Busts Division, are DOUBLE JUDGED, with bright color ribbons awarded for Breed, and pastel color ribbons awarded for Collectibility / Workmanship. (Collectibility requires documentation.)


Ribbons are awarded for 1st through 6th place, but only the 1st and 2nd place results are recorded.  Point sheets are provided to help you keep track of your horses' placings.


Please make sure we know ALL the initial combinations that might appear on your tags, so we can post the results accurately to NAMHSA.


We will post the 1st and 2nd place winners on our website and Facebook.  PLEASE help make sure your winning horses are listed correctly!  Send all corrections to us before we submit the results to NAMHSA by their deadline 30 days after the show.


    ~ ~ Showing ~ ~


Tag System:  Each horse must have a tag with the horse's breed and gender on the front, and the horse's name and owner's initials on the back.


We usually have several rings running simultaneously.  Please keep up with the class announcements!  Once a class is closed, no more horses may be added to the ring.


Judges may ask exhibitors to remove inappropriate horses from the ring.


There is a limit of three horses per stable/owner per class.  Additional horses may be shown for $1 each.


There is a 5 minute time limit on tack changes (7 minutes for multiple changes) between Performance classes.


In Performance classes, please display a Red marker next to your entry before it's ready to be judged.  Then display a Green marker when it's ready.  This will help the Performance judges!


Documentation and explanation cards/sheets are welcome, limited to 8.5 by 11 inches or smaller.


A horse may be shown lying down on a piece of cloth to give the judge permission to carefully pick it up.

The show hostess and judges reserve the right to combine, close, or candy classes as needed.  Classes may also be split by make, breed, size, or color for easier judging.


The Fantasy/Decorator/Medallions/Busts Divisions are unique in that only Yellow NAN cards are awarded.  The OF classes are judged on Collectibility and the CM classes are judged on Workmanship.


Judges may show in divisions they are not judging.


    ~ ~ And please be sure to have fun!  ~ ~       :-)

© 2025 by Big Orange Bash.   Proudly created with   No model horses were harmed in the making of this site!

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